Friday, March 28, 2008
:: Quotes; 3rd post today ::
LOL, I'm spamming my own blog with so many posts.
Anyway, this is a collation of some of the quotes I think mean something:
It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing.
Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent.
Sharing what you have is more important than showing what you have.
Don't need, get needed.
We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
The only thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
The trouble with antique shops is that the prices are so modern.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.Well, that's it for now. I love quotes.^^
Seeya later, alligator! :D
+ Anita updated @ 7:42 pm
There was
hail in Singapore yesterday. Yes, HAIL. It was in Bishan, Braddell and Toa Payoh, and the hailstones were only slightly larger than beads, but still, in tropical Singapore?
As quoted from Home:
He(a office worker) thought at first it was just raining heavily. "But the sound of the rain was different - it sounded more like solid things were falling." ......The beads were solid pieces of ice....The hailstones fell for about 10 minutes.....The last time hail fell here was in July last year.Woah. A strange phenomenon. o.o What's the world coming to?
Yesterday there was a car crash.
A father, mother, grandmother and two-year-old son died. They died on the spot except for the father, who died in the hospital due to his injuries. =(
The sole survivor was a two-month-old baby, who was found 10m away from the site of the crash. The entire car had been literally torn into two when it slammed into the tree. The baby girl survived almost unscathed except for a few light bruises on her forehead. A miracle? Did someone roll the baby out the window before the car crashed? I don't know.
But it's so painful to read about this. The girl, the orphan, will never know here parents and her brother. =( It's really heart-wrenching...
On a lighter note, two days ago, a funny thing happened in class.(no names shall be mentioned)
Some girls at the back of the class were not paying attention during English class.
Teacher(if you know 4B's eng teacher): You girls at the back, how can you be so inattentive?
A girl: They were distracted by your beauty.
Whereupon, someone let out a high burst of laughter. The whole class started laughing. XD
Teacher: Please, I don't listen to such flattery (she was smiling really wide)
The lesson continued.
Teacher(suddenly): Why are your eyes so vacant? Are you listening? (to the boy beside me)
The girl who gave the burst of laughter: He was awestruck by your beauty!
THe first girl: Yeah, your sexiness. O.O
The teacher was smiling really big and insisted she was not affected by such things.
"Boys, don't let your mind wander!"About what?? =O
Another excerpt from the strange things my father says at lunch/dinner outings:
I really love ice kachang with ice. xD (he meant to say milk)
Well, that's all.
Hasta La Vista! =)
+ Anita updated @ 7:05 pm
I finally managed to come onto the computer. o.o But I'll have to go off soon.
Well, recently there were some common tests. I was really LUCKY sia. I never imagined I could get these marks.
Chem(redox & metals right?) - 30.5/35(was 31.5 but I lost 1 mark because I wrote 'cobalt paper' instead of cobalt(II) chloride)
Math(trigonometry) - 25/30 (this one is pure luck with qn 2 ><)
Other tests:
Chinese(yan yu and gong han 4C) - 26/30
Chinese(yan yu and gong han 5A) - 27.5/30
Chem(energy changes) - 20/20
Bio SPA Theory test - 16.5/25 T_T
Math(Circles & Plane geometry) - 8/16 (would have failed if Ms. Lim didn't cancel first qn)
English compre - 20/25 =O
I think that's about all. SIGH. My parents expect me to get good results...I doubt I can. ><
Must keep trying. So many tests next week.
Adios. =)
P.S. Stressed......
+ Anita updated @ 6:56 pm
Saturday, March 22, 2008
:: The sky is azure... ::
I'm just writing a quick post. Came on to get my Physics homework off the ACP.
Yesterday night we had a great dinner at my house, celebrating my brother's and one of our family friend's son's birthdays. The night was long, and I was exhausted after that. =) I went out for lunch too, yesterday, and the food was good. So was the cake. ;]
Today I'm busy as well. =/ Going to my aunt's house for lunch and to a close family friend's house for dinner. One of them wants to borrow my Biology notes because he claims his teacher's notes are useless. ^^" Well, I have to chiong my homework now! Not to mention the Amath Test I have to study for. Ugh, Plane Geometry.
Bio SPA Theory - 16.5/25 =/
Amath(logarithm,surds & indices) - 19/20 ^^
再见. ;]
+ Anita updated @ 9:25 am
Sunday, March 16, 2008
:: It's getting sunny. ::
I still have so much homework to do. o.o
Anyway, on Friday night the guitar ensemble performed at the Gaia Mania concert. We did okay...I guess. I didn't feel nervous at all. The stage was too crammed though, and I could barely move my fingers to press the higher frets. Luckily I managed to. o.o
I should go and do my homework now. I'm not doing the second SS SEQ since I don't know how to. xD But I'll do my best to finish the rest. Chemistry test tomorrow! T_T I haven't started studying.
안녕. <--if that is correct.^^"
P.S. I will only be able to post on Saturdays(and maybe tuesdays) from now on.
+ Anita updated @ 8:39 am
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
:: A whirlwind of emotions... ::
Yeah, on one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I wanted to discuss a few things.
Holiday homeworkI think there's too much for so little time. But of course, I should get off the computer and do my work. Still, I have so much homework:
English compo: not done
-Online: half done
-45 MCQ: mostly done
Math: a little done (and a lot of it too!)
Emath Practice paper: half done
Chemistry worksheet: more than half done
Physics Worksheet: More than half done
Physics textbook: done! ^^
Social Studies
-SEQ 1: done ^^
-SEQ 2: not done (I don't know how to!)
SwimmingIn case anyone is wondering, I have quit swimming. I still go for leisure once in a while, but no more intensive training - it's too stressful for me. >< I know it's beneficial to my health, but this is one thing I can't bring myself to do.
TaekwondoWrote about it in the previous post. I have to work harder for this, otherwise I'm done for (reverse kick! so impossible to do...><). LOL.
PianoMy piano teacher asked: 'Why did nobody choose the first two songs that you chose?' I shrugged. Now I know! The songs are
super fast...My fingers are jumping over one another and I miss some keys. >< Not only that, my scales need to pick up speed and my sight reading is going to fail...
WeatherIt's been raining non-stop. It's also pretty chilly nowadays. Hope the rain lets up soon. It's getting misty too...
Well, I still have things stuck in my head, but I have to do my homework. Now. ^^" Otherwise I won't be able to finish.
I bid thee farewell. =)
I see you looking blue,
And my heart aches for you.
I see you looking frustrated,
And I feel bad for you.
Something good happens to you,
And I am happy for you.
I gaze off into space,
And somehow my thoughts wander to you.
I stare up into the darkness,
And I think about you.
I fall asleep,
And sometimes I dream of you.
You walk past,
And I look at you.
You look at me,
And my heart skips a beat.
You smile that smile,
And my heart melts.
I've been thinking about you,
And I wonder; is this love?(Lol, this doesn't mean anything, just had an urge to write a love poem o.O")
+ Anita updated @ 1:57 pm
Yesterday night we went out for dinner to celebrate my brother's 8th birthday. My grandmother was feeling vegetarian that day, so she insisted on eating vegetarian dishes. But she ate 1 or 2 pieces of chicken. ;] My father ordered too much as usual, and we had to 'da bao' some of the food home. The cake was nice - chocolate, but my brother didn't eat very much because he was too preoccupied with his new Nintendo DS. -_-"
My sister and I were rather high at the dinner. It didn't help that my father was saying weird things:
1. Father: Hmm, these long beans feel Italian.
Me: Why did you touch the beans?
Father: What do you mean?
Me: Well, you said the beans
feel Italian.
And we went on about correct English. It should be 'I feel that this dish is
Italian.' Right?
2. Father: What I like about hot-plate dishes is that the food is hot.
My sister and I burst out laughing.
Father(upon realising what he said): What I meant was, the dishes are hot, no,
I mean, the dishes stay hot longer!
3. Grandmother: I don't like the fact that a lot of vegetarian dishes have meat.
We stared at each other.
Mother: If they have meat, then the dishes aren't vegetarian.
Grandmother: No, many vegetarian dishes sprinkle meat on top.
Us: Then it isn't vegetarian anymore!
After a long discussion(and much laughing), my grandmother refused to admit she
had made a mistake. xD
Of course, it doesn't seem funny now, but it did at the moment. ^^ The food was great anyway, and I ate quite a lot. o.o I should start a jogging regime. Which reminds me; the furthest I've ever run is 3.6km. It was last last Saturday. I should do that again! ^^
Taekwondo tomorrow. >< I enjoy the classes a lot although I'm not very good at it. Seeing some of the higher belts kick (Wow!O.O), it spurs me to put more effort. Otherwise I feel inferior. ^^"
Well, I should do my holiday homework NOW. =/
P.S. Still thinking about something....><
+ Anita updated @ 1:28 pm
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
:: Grey clouds ::
Today we had a rehearsal for the Gaia Mania concert. We were the second school to rehearse - RGS went first with their angklong emsemble. Which was pretty cool, I admit. =) We didn't do that well, but the man in charge said it was an improvement from when he heard it two or three weeks ago. (my section had
just learnt the second song an hour before he came to watch)
The time passed in a blink of an eye. Alicia said 'Time flies when you're hungry'. I don't know about that, but none of us had eaten lunch. o.o After us, SCGS performed. I don't know what they did; we had already assembled in the 'holding room' (which was more like a holding hall since it was so big).
Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the performance on Friday. =)
Well, I was thinking back on a few things, but I can't seem to remember anything now. Maybe I'll discuss them in a later post. ^^"
Well, I have to go now - piano class.
Adieu! ^____^
P.S. >< Can't stop thinking about something...
+ Anita updated @ 4:44 pm
Monday, March 10, 2008
:: It's dark outside now. ::
Ah, I shall post all my results from this term - to remind myself to work harder. ><
EnglishSpeech: 21/30
Diagnostic: 20/30
Common Test(Free-writing): 23/30 ^^
ChineseTuesday tests: Didn't get lower than 27/30 (pure memorising)
Common Test 1: 34/50
Common Test 2: 23.5/50 =/
OthersPhysics 1: 22/25
Physics 2: 20/25 ^^
Emath 1: 16/20
Emath 2: 15/20
Amath(inequalities): 17/20 ^^
Biology 1: 36/45
Biology 2: 25/26 ^^
Chemistry 1: 34.5/45
Chemistry 2: 16.5/20
Well, here they are. I don't know if all of the results are accurate, but they're roughly around there. =)
Note to self: I must work harder for Chemistry and Chinese.
Well, au revoir~
P.S. I did one SS SEQ today. First holiday homework finished. I almost finished the Physics worksheets too.
Labels: Term Tests
+ Anita updated @ 8:24 pm
Heh, haven't posted in months. But then, that isn't a bad thing because I doubt anyone will read this post. ;] Well, today is the start of our March holidays, or as my sister's friend said, 'the start of a few days where we can wake up a bit later than usual but still be as busy.' I have to go back to school everyday for guitar practice and Physics and Biology tutorials. Sigh...there is a rehearsal tomorrow actually, at the NTUC building near Shenton Way. Quite looking forward to it. =) It's for a concert on Friday - Gaia Mania. (I heard Goh Chok Tong may be there o.o)
On Saturday night I went to a Malayalee concert which was jointly organised by a few 'golden girls' of the Singapore Malayalee Association; my grandmother included. Admittedly, I didn't know such an organisation existed. o.O" But I found out a few things - SMA has been ongoing for 91 years(*gasp*) and is the biggest Malayalee association outside Kerala. I only went because my father bought tickets to support my grandmother. That, and I wanted to support 4 of my second cousins who were performing an Indian dance. (two of them are my age; two are a year older)
It was pretty cool. The dances comprised of traditional and classical ones, but there were modernised dances which were fast-paced(and cool!^^). The dancers were all young, and really good. There were 3 songs as well; one was sung by two sisters around my age. They were good. =) There was a comedy sketch about the hazards of the Internet. I could follow the gist of it, but I cannot understand Malayalee, so I couldn't follow what the father in the skit was saying. =/ Overall, I'm glad I went. My cousins were grateful that my family came to support them too. I also realised one thing: Almost ALL the Malayalees in Singapore are connected (even the newslady on Channel 5 is the granddaughter of one of my grandfather's good friends^^)
Anyway, about my L1R5 - I got 9. Not too bad, I guess. It was my Social studies that dragged it down. =/ I only got 9/18 for that test because I didn't 'use my own words', as quoted from Miss Noriff. >< Aiming for a 7 or 8 for my O-levels. A 6 wouldn't be too bad. ;] But I don't want to aim too high yet.
Well, I have to go and eat my dinner now. ^^ My brother's birthday is tomorrow and we're going out for dinner.
One last thing before I end this post - I want to put a drawing up here(there is a reason for my blogskin^^):

Labels: March Holidays
+ Anita updated @ 7:16 pm