Monday, April 28, 2008
:: The sunlight is so pretty today... ::
*points to title* The sunlight really is nice at the moment. It makes everything seem so peaceful and warm and oldish. o.O I'm not sure how to explain it.
Anyway, I got back a few tests today:
Biology Common Test - 30/36 ^^
Literature Common Test - 18/25 ^^
Quite pleased with my results, actually. Oh well, dunno about today's Amath Test. On surds, indices and logarithms. It was okay, not that difficult. But it's always hard to say with Ms. Lim's test. -_-

DBSK with glasses. So cute. ><
LOL. Well, I should go now. And find my homework. xD
Hasta La Vista!
+ Anita updated @ 6:20 pm
Saturday, April 26, 2008
:: The clouds are so beautiful today... ::'s oral exam was...screwed. Worst than last year's one, and that was already bad enough. Sigh.
Here's how it went:
Read the passage. Stopped at one word (di zi). Blanked out. The teacher told me how to read the word. o.o
Came to the conversation. Didn't hear the topic properly (teacher's china accent) and talked about the wrong thing! >< LOL. Managed to come up with something to say.
Smiled when I couldn't think of anything to say.
SIGH. Nevermind, it's over. ^^"
I think the song(link above) was created just for TVXQ/ DBSK to show off their awesome voices.
I'm so in love with Junsu's voice.

Group pic. ^^

Junsu with glasses. =)
Well, seeya. ;]
+ Anita updated @ 10:41 am
Monday, April 21, 2008
:: The world's spinnin'... ::
Well...I don't really know what to post.
Ohh, I got a measly score for my recent math test. Well, at least I passed. =/
I got a pretty good score for my Physics test though. I'm pretty happy about that. ^^
I have to study for my Chinese least no more Gong Han to memorise! =D That's somthing to be happy about.

He's so cute. ^^

Group photo!

Nice picture. =)

Yoochun looks nice here, Rachelle. xD

For you, Rachelle. xD
Yeah, I'm kinda treating my blog as a storage for good TVXQ pictures. LOL.
Well, adieu~
+ Anita updated @ 4:04 pm
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
:: Rain in my heart... ::
I'm officially hooked on TVXQ. ^__^ They're such good singers. Especially Junsu.

*points above* Yeah, that's Junsu. ><

And that is Yoochun(above), another one in the group(my 2nd favourite).

This is Yunho(above), the leader(oldest, I think).

This is Jaejoong(above), the lead singer.

Lastly, this is Changmin(above), the youngest in the group.

The whole group.

My favourite two.
Well, that's about it. I have to go and study for my Physics test which is tomorrow.
Sayonara. ;]
+ Anita updated @ 5:43 pm
Saturday, April 05, 2008
:: Sinking... ::
Well, I celebrated my birthday yesterday night with my relatives and family friends. The cake was nice. ^^
I better go and do my homework....A lot of it too. Sigh. -_-
I'm going with Grace and Fang Hui to the choir concert tonight. Good luck to my friends who are performing! LOL.
But I have taekwondo grading on Sunday. Nevermind, that's only at 10am. Gotta go now.
P.S. I love the Korean band, TVXQ/ DBSK/ whatever other names they have. ^^ Especially Junsu's solo.
(明日は 來るから)
(junsu's solo!)
(jaejoong's solo)By the way, they're all in Japanese. This band sings both Korean and Japanese songs.
Last time, if someone asked me
If I had any feelings for you,
I would have said no; but now,
I've been thinking about you.
That cold face you sometimes have,
smile you give,
That painful indifference...
I've been thinking about you.
When you look at me,
My heart stops.
Strangely though, a second later,
It starts to beat faster and faster.
I gaze at you from afar.
It pains my heart to realise.
That this love is unreciprocated.
Still, I've been thinking about you.
I sometimes want this to end.
But when I see your face,
Everything becomes a whirlwind of emotions.
Yes, I've been thinking about you.
I'm still trying to get rid of these feelings,
As they're painful to have.
I guess I'll just have to live with it.
Because I'm still thinking about you.
(LOL, a love poem! xD)
Labels: poem
+ Anita updated @ 11:01 am
Thursday, April 03, 2008
:: It's rainin', it's pourin'.... ::
It's my birthday today. Thanks for all the wishes. =)
Well, I have a vectors test tomorrow. And I can't seem to understand it. I just got back my Bio Meiosis and Mitosis test, the one I KNEW I did badly for.
13.5/20 =/
Oh well, at least I didn't get 12 like what I expected. =)
I don't know why I felt so depressed just now. Until I received a few more wishes. I don't even know how some of those people knew it was my brthday. O.O Scary.....
Well, I have to go and study now. And hopefully pass the test tomorrow. ^^
Adios, amigos! :D
+ Anita updated @ 8:12 pm