Friday, September 19, 2008
:: DBSK ::
Two posts in one day. xD
This one's about DBSK. Hmmm...
They're (amazingly) talented, good-looking, great singers, superb dancers...and so on. =D I really love their acapella.
They appeared on two episodes of E.H.B., a show where they explore the human body. DBSK had a special appearance on the show (which usually features only Super Junior). (Super Yoochun! His reflexes stunned everyone. Plus dodgeball which Yoochun owned. xD) (Jaejoong's amazing tolerance for chili. O_O Plus Junsu's amazing running speed)
These two episodes were so funny. xD
+ Anita updated @ 6:56 pm
AAAAAAAHHHHHH. Prelims are over. But O-levels are COMING.
Bio, Chem, Phy and Emath - A1
Humans - A2 (Lit - B4; SS - A1)
Amath - B4 (1 mark to B3)
Eng - A2? (74.5) O_O
Chinese - B4 (but taking O-level B3)
Anyway...I have been taking it easy these few days...but I'm gonna start revising seriously soon. ^^

Junsu portrait which I found online

Yunho portrait which I found online

Jaejoong painting which I found online.
My my. The artists are super talented. O.O
Anyway, bye.
+ Anita updated @ 6:56 pm