Wednesday, December 31, 2008
:: My archive of links ^^ ::
Not really considered a 2nd post. Just wanted to store some awesome singing. x][Beautiful thing by Junsu][Love in the Ice - their best performance of this song yet. This song was created just to show off their vocal talents. ^^ And Junsu's part at 3.34...absolutely mind-blowing and breathtaking...><][Midhuyo/trust - No words necessary. ><][accapella - a true test of a group's singing talent][one of their older performances^^]
+ Anita updated @ 9:38 am
Argh, the stupid show last night was NOT the show I wanted to watch. No DBSK at all! What are the odds that every year they participate in that show except when it comes to this year? -_-" My sister was so am I...
Anyway, I watched Junsu's piano battle online. It wasn't much of a piano battle after all, more like a SINGING+piano battle. People don't give Junsu enough credit though. I mean, he did sing incredibly (so so so powerful! ><) and play the piano at the same time.
Whereas the other guy's voice wasn't so wonderful. Taeyung did play the piano well, but so did Junsu. It's just because they keep on showing Taeyung's hands playing the song, but only showed Junsu's face, so people said Junsu didn't play much (???he played for the whole song!).
Okay, maybe I'm a little biased, but that doesn't mean Taeyung was bad. He was good too, it's just that Junsu was better. =3
I have to go now. But before I do:

The shading's a little messed up...><
Sayonara! ^^
(I's going to be a whole new year soon =0)
+ Anita updated @ 9:20 am
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
:: It's super sunny outside ::
I didn't get to watch the piano battle, but I will tonight. My dad subscribed to the Korean channel a long time ago and I just found out yesterday. =0 I can't wait. ^^
Anyway, I realised I posted quite a number of my pictures, and it's becoming a handy archive. ^^ I say that because my sister accidentally spilt black paint over one of my drawings (the one with the boy and the girl in waiter uniforms). T_T I guess it's my fault cause I shouldn't have left the paint lying around...T_T The drawing's ruined...
I decided colouring my pictures all the time is too tiring...
So...I drew two just using a 2B mechanical pencil. ^^

The first one - some guy from some Anime who's hair looked fun to draw. ^^

Some guy from the same anime who also had fun hair. =D
Okay, my blog has become a drawing archive. =o Oh well, at least they're safe from paint here. xD
Gotta go and eat lunch now.
+ Anita updated @ 1:24 pm
Monday, December 29, 2008
:: A piano battle with Junsu???!!!! ::
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight on the online channel sbs Junsu is having a PIANO BATTLE with some guy from Big Bang(Taeyung?). =D =D =D I knew Junsu could play the piano but a piano battle???? Yoochun's the one always playing the piano and composing the music so this came as a shock (to all the fans out there lol)
Okay, I'm not usually this high on my blog. xD I can't wait (except I may not be able to watch it online since my brother has to sleep...T_T)
Aaahhhh, I can't wait. Taeyung's supposedly more open with his piano skills while not many people know junsu can play the I'm worried for Junsu. I know he'll do his best though; he always does his best in everything he participates in. (he's such a perfectionist that sometimes it's scary o.o)
I mean, he has a reputation for his incredible dancing, SUPER AMAZING (and heart-melting) voice, and now piano-playing. What next? Oh yeah, and he's a second dan in blackbelt for taekwondo. Wowowowow. Okay, now I'm getting high again. xD
Anyway, enough about Junsu, I coloured another picture this morning:

Yeah, I know it's smudged...the paper I used wasn't exactly very ideal...T_T It looks okay from far, I guess....
Who was I kidding? I can't not write about Junsu! Good luck to him tonight!!!! 8.55pm, screening on this website:
=D =D =D =D
I hope he wins. ^^
Anyway, time for me to eat dinner. Good luck to Junsu again and again.........and again! xD
Seeya. :]
+ Anita updated @ 7:46 pm
Sunday, December 28, 2008
:: It's dinnertime ::
Had the fourth Japanese class today.
Aaah, a bug just crawled into my keyboard. O.O It's out now...eeww. =o
Anyway, forget about the bug...
Every year, my new year party is either at my aunt's place or my family friend's place. But my aunt's maid is not in Singapore so no party there...and my family friend isn't having one either!
So my family is going to my father's cousin's party...No offense, but I'm sad because the tradition is broken. =( I always look forward to New Year's, but it's different this year. The worst part is, my cousins probably aren't coming to the party my family's going to...and as I'm not too close to my second-cousins...oh well. T_T
On a lighter note, these days I've been colouring a few of my pictures. Here's another one:

As much as I don't like pink, I'm okay with how this turned out. ^^
Well, dinnertime, my parents are asking me to eat for the hundredth time.
Adios, amigos. :]
+ Anita updated @ 7:50 pm
Saturday, December 27, 2008
:: It's bright outside ::
Went for a dinner and a Christmas party last night...slept only around 1am. ^^ The dinner was okay (though one of the children was a little anti-social). Oh well.
The party was quite fun; we played pictionary.
Tomorrow is my fourth Japanese lesson and I haven't done the homework the teacher assigned us. =o
Anyway, I just coloured a picture this morning:

Wooh! I feel accomplished. ^^ (copyrighted ah)
I better go before my dad comes nagging. =D
+ Anita updated @ 12:22 pm
Friday, December 26, 2008
:: So sunny today... ::
I. Feel. So. Tired.
I think it's a lack of sleep...I have been sleeping late everyday...ZZzzz
Anyway, I've been taking a Japanese class recently. 3 lessons have passed. It wasn't too bad and the teacher's really humorous. (though I think he can be really fierce if he wants to be)
I also coloured a drawing I put up in the previous post:

I coloured it today. And I feel accomplished. ^^
I also inked another drawing(yesterday):

It doesn't look too bad, considering I don't even know who I'm drawing. xD
(My drawings are copyrighted! xD)
I'm going out with my family tonight; meeting my parents' old friend (whom I have a vague memory of).
Adieu. ^^
+ Anita updated @ 2:20 pm
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
:: Drawings: 2nd post today -_- ::
Okay, I've calmed down somewhat.
I suddenly feel weary.
Anyway, decided to post these for fun. I don't usually ink my drawings:

Saw this in a magazine; decided to draw it. :]

Saw this in a similar magazine. Cute? ^^

Uhh, Syaoran and Sakura from Tsubasa chronicles.
All are copyrighted!!! xD
Man, who am I kidding? I'm still angry...I should calm down...
Maybe eating lunch will make me feel better.
So, adios.
+ Anita updated @ 12:56 pm
My sister's sick today so my dad asked me to prepare lunch for her. I took out everything from the fridge, put the various curries in a bowl and made them hot. I mixed it with the rice then took a spoon and gave everything to her.
What she says: "That doesn't look appetising at all. You didn't mix it nicely."
What the hell???!!!!!
And she goes on to say: "I always mix nicely for you." When in the world did she EVER make food for me when I was sick? It's either my mum or the maid, but I don't recall her. >:[ I can't believe she had the audacity to say that.
And my dad even supported her. He said I must prepare lunch with my heart. What rubbish! If I didn't use my 'heart', I wouldn't have even bothered.
Ugh. I'm so mad right now.
Younger siblings are such a pain.
+ Anita updated @ 11:58 am
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
:: Bored ::
Two posts in one day.
I think I'm starting to feel a teensy-weensy bored...
So I shall spam about DBSK! ^_^

Junsu looking blur. xD

Junsu looking blur again.

Junsu looking happy!

Yunho, my sister's favourite. (Yes I brainwashed her into liking them too!^^)

Changmin, the youngest (but tallest in the group). So cute! :]

Yoochun, the main composer/ arranger in the group.

Jaejoong, one of the more central singers (the other being Junsu).

Lastly, a very recent picture of the group. (That's some bright hair Junsu has. o.o)
Spamming over! xD Still, I love their singing more than anything! (The BEST live ever for this song!!!!)
*composes myself* I'm not fanatic. ^^
Anyway, bye.
+ Anita updated @ 2:17 pm
Christmas time is upon us. :]
I didn't get a job this holiday...and I do wish I did. It would have been a good experience. Oh well.
Anyway, my family held a Christmas party on Saturday. Almost everyone we invited came (only one of the kids didn't; he had to work), and it was pretty fun. :] The children (two who are the same age as me, one P6 girl, my 23-year-old cousin and my 2 siblings) played Mafia. ^^
Hmm...I forgot what I created this post for....=o
I just read this book, "Sophie's world". It's a philosophical book, with information about numerous philosophers and scientists throughout the ages. Like Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin etc. etc. etc.
I had a REALLY weird feeling when I read the book...the book is so surreal. It forces people to think out of the ordinary; makes people wonder why we're here and how things came to be...My head was floating and dizzy after I read it...woah. The storyline's downright odd, but I enjoyed the splashes of humour here and there. ^^
Anyway, this has been a long enough post, so bye.
Happy Holidays everyone! :]
+ Anita updated @ 1:44 pm
Monday, December 08, 2008
:: DBSK still going super strong! ::
I wish I could use the computer without my father constantly reminding me not to use it too long (which I haven't...)
Oh well.
Anyway, I realise many people I know are going to Taiwan. I wonder why? o.O
I've been pretty busy lately, why I don't really know, because it's the holidays now and I should have plenty of time...
My craze over DBSK has not and will not end(at least for a
long time to come). They're still so amazing! They are so talented; especially Junsu who tries his best in everything he does.
I watched a korean variety show (Star King) today; where three of the DBSK members were guest stars. Ahaha, Junsu sang so well. There was this singing android (man, it looked so REAL). It was so creepy, like a real human only you could see obvious non-human qualities. And there were two kids(10 and 12) from Japan who danced really well (WOW).

Junsu! ><

The group (see Junsu's smile? ^^)
Ahahahaha, I never thought I'd have a favourite band, let alone a favourite singing idol. ^^" Yep, this is my first favourite singing group.
Gotta go now.
I bid thee farewell. =)
+ Anita updated @ 5:27 pm