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Monday, January 03, 2011
:: DAY 2 (12/12) ::

Today is Qian’s birthday! Maybe I can use my dad’s laptop later to wish her on facebook. If there’s any Internet. And sheesh, I miss using my laptop. Withdrawal?
Anyway, I wrote in point form earlier but rewriting it now. Had a bad headache when I woke up due to poor sleep. Jaian kept opening and closing the curtains and our dad burst in and whipped open the curtains without a thought for the still sleeping Liana and I.

We were made to wake up and eat breakfast downstairs despite my mom’s misleading words about being able to “sleep until we feel good”. -.- Breakfast was buffet; and it wasn’t bad. I was slightly feverish so my mom let Liana and I sleep a while more while they swam. We woke up at 11am – late – so we had to rush down in our panjabis to set off to my grandfather’s village.

It was a 2 hours car journey where I experimented with various sleeping positions and suffered from the cramped-ness in the car. The village was along a hill, with Uncle Manoj’s house near the top. We don’t speak Malayalam so we just spent our time trying to be nice, smile and nod. :/

However, my relatives were really nice and we met 10 cousins aged 10 to 32. We went for a long walk in the forest behind the village, passing by a small paddy field and many rubber trees (the area used to be a thriving rubber plantation). We witnessed a cow being milked (o.o), saw an adorable cat and several chickens. There was a rooster too (Liana’s kin hahaha) and we heard much barking, though we didn’t actually see any dogs. We even saw several kids (the young of a goat) and a goat, plus a few oxen along the way.

We distributed the gifts my father and grandmother brought, then had lunch. It was good, though some curries were really spicy (o.o), but overall I enjoyed it.
We left after a few hours there. The farewells were awkward for us but my father and grandparents were reluctant to leave because they felt so at home there. I only found out a few of their names… And my father said “don’t worry, they can speak English”. -.-

It was a long journey back home as we took a longer but much less bumpy road and an unnecessary detour. We reached the hotel after 7pm and slacked until it was time to meet the well-connected friend of my grandfather’s for dinner at another (far, far away) hotel.

Dinner was okay; nothing too special. The whole place was so dim that I could barely see what I was eating... One thing about India; there are SO many stars at night. That made the night good. (:

Time to end! Siblings starting to think about Singapore already. I’m just thinking about One Piece and my friends. Zoro! <3 Hahahaha. Night!

+ Anita updated @ 11:26 am


Monday, December 27, 2010
:: DAY 1 (11/12) ::

Stayed in: Taj Hotel (Room 407) in Trivandrum

Today in Singapore, it was packing plus visiting my Chinese grandparents’ house in the morning. Slept quite late the day before so I fell asleep at their house. When we returned home it was packing all the way.

So, anyway, the plane ride was about 4 hours (including the waiting time). We went to the airport earlier to have dinner (at Crystal Jade with my uncle and aunt), and it was pretty tasty. I heeded my mom’s instructions and bought some po zhai and diarrhoea pills after we checked in.

The flight was long and arduous and boring. I literally stoned for half the flight, and couldn’t sleep due to my blocked nose. Only managed to doze off for a short while and read the New York Times too. The food was okay – curry fish and rice.
When we touched down, I realized how different Singapore and India are. Seriously different. The airport we landed in had no aircon, only fans, and the equipment were in a rundown state. My aunt did tell me not to expect too much so I wasn’t that surprised.

Apuppa’s friend is so well-connected that we were the first in queue after touching down, then there were 2 cars waiting to pick us up. We were sent to the Taj Hotel – impressive security checks! – then waited a bit before checking in. The three of us children are to be staying together, so I must be the responsible eldest sister and keep things in check. Hahaha.

Okay I will end here. Kerala has many stray dogs, beaches with scarily large waves, dilapidated buildings mixed in with nice ones, many stars and was cleaner than I expected.



+ Anita updated @ 10:57 pm


Saturday, October 10, 2009
:: SAJC: Part 1 ::

It's been an incredibly long time since I posted here. :O

So...what should I post about?

Hmm, writing about promos is boring, until I get the results back next week. Friday, to be exact. =/

So I shall write about the people I have met in SAJC!

Cassandra a.k.a. Cass: The first friend I had in 09S19 (though not the first one I talked to since she came a day late!). :D We have a lot in common and it's cool to find someone who thinks a lot like me. Plus, it's fun to find her 5 people when in the canteen, though more often that not 3 of them are together. xDDD I'll buy noodles with you when I'm not so hungry next time! (:

Linda a.k.a. Lindo: I thought she and Qian Ying were a formidable duo when I first went to 09S19. Now, almost a year later, I realise she is C-R-A-Z-Y! Haha. She and her MMM and smiley. xD But she's fun and I like going to her house to play rock band/ guitar hero! ;)

Qian Ying a.k.a. Qian: Now, SHE'S the first person who talked to me in 09S19. :D One-half of the 'formidable duo'. Plus she's really smart and sporty, and we thought she'd never get an EC! But now she has - TDH a.k.a. SK. xD Now everytime we go canteen we confirm see at least one of ours. x) (<--Cass's favourite smiley face)

Sherly: The MOST sensible one in SCALY by far. Heh. xD She's sensible, responsible and reliable and sometimes quite quirky too.

Man, my writing streak is waning. =/ Maybe I'll continue next time~

And cheer up Cass!!!!!!!!! You have us! (:

Quote of the day: Never give up on someone you can’t go a day without thinking about. ;)


+ Anita updated @ 4:41 pm


Saturday, May 02, 2009
:: It's been a while ::


I'm kind of overwhelmed with jc life. Everyone has such high expectations of me...>.< Just because I did well for CA 1. (It was O-level stuff for chem and math...!) I was just lucky...

So many things in my mind....

I need to sort out my thoughts.

And do some homework while I'm at it...


P.S. Some people are weird. o.O

+ Anita updated @ 7:58 pm


Monday, April 06, 2009
:: A long time after.... ::

Here's an archive of my Napfa results:

Standing broad jump: 173 (same as sec 4)
Sit-ups: 41 (same as sec 4)
Sit-and-reach: 48 =oooo (better!)
Inclined pull-ups: 15 (worse...)
Shuttle run: 10.8!!! (best I ever had was 11.3+) ^o^

I feel accomplished. But there's still the 2.4km run next week. =x

I'm glad I joined guitar. Slacker than AHS guitar, that's for sure, but a lot of the seniors are pro man. :D

Gotta go. Homework to do. ><

+ Anita updated @ 8:35 pm


Wednesday, March 04, 2009
:: 100th Post!!!!!! ::

Sian. So sian. So much work.

I've adapted to my new class already, thankfully. :) There're only 18 people in my class, so it's much easier to bond. Only 3 boys and 15 girls. xD I still sit with about 5 or 6 OG members every morning before assembly. :) Hope that'll continue...

The lessons are difficult, and I find myself falling asleep during the lectures...zzzZZZ...I make an effort to keep awake, of course, but I fear faring badly in my tests, MSA1, next week. =_=

Today was the SAJC cross-country - 3.6 kilometres - and I was aiming to get top 200 out of over a thousand girls (J1 + J2 running together). Fortunately, I got the 83rd spot; unfortunately, I threw up after the run...-_- It was my fault for eating breakfast (an egg) just before going to East Coast Park. I still feel accomplished, though. :D Not so thrilled about throwing up. xD

Last but definitely not least, I joined back guitar ensemble. The SAJC one isn't very well-acclaimed, not like TJ, for example, but I hope we can do well at this year's SYF! :D The seniors are really nice (a bit intimidating at first), and there're about 10 JC1s who joined the senior ensemble. I hope I can get into the SYF; last time in 2007 was a great experience. ^____^


P.S. Learning Japanese Elementary Stage II now; finished Stage I. I can't speak well at all, but I can recognise the Hiragana and Katakana characters pretty easily. :D

P.P.S. Piano Theory Exam next week! O.O O.O O.O >< I'm SO DEAD. I haven't even studied one thing and I'm pathetically unprepared. Ah well.

+ Anita updated @ 3:25 pm


Wednesday, February 11, 2009
:: It's dinner time.... ::

If anyone is wondering which junior college I went, it's Saint Andrew's.

Yeah. I didn't manage to make it into temasek. =/ I was a little disappointed, especially since the appeal didn't go through, but that feeling is ebbing away... ... (only 1 point away from cut-off!) Still, I don't mind SAJC anymore. =)

I'm not much of a believer in fate, but this was odd. When my brother was applying for a primary school, my father chose St. Andrew's Junior School, simply because it was his alma mater. But since it was soooo far away, he appealed to Temasek Primary, but it did'nt go through. Spot the similarity? I also applied for Temasek but got St. Andrew's. =o

I can't help feeling alone and a bit of trepidation...I always feel that I'm forced to make a new start every time it comes to an important decision in my life.

1. Going to Anglican High, being a non-Chinese (not fully, anyway) and all.

2. Choosing triple science Lit although no one from 2B was choosing that combination (at least, at that time and that I know of).

3. Dropping Higher Chinese and having to switch to a class where I only knew 2 people (3B). Not that I regretted that; those two years were great! =P

4. Going to SAJC. There're a few AHS people there (about 16/17). I recognise them by face. =o It's scary making new friends in a whole new environment.

5. And just when I was getting used to my OG, we got posted to our classes and NO ONE from my OG got in. (only one person was taking the same combination as me, and he had to get in the only other class with this combination...-_-")


Do I sound pessimistic? I'm not. I'm really trying my best to adapt to SAJC. The orientation was great and I hope the next two years will be nice...

And if anyone is wondering what subject combination I'm taking, I chose Biology, Chemistry, Math and Economics. ALL H2. Yep. Why am I stressing myself out? I too do not know. =S It's going to be difficult. I have to write THREE essays for H2 econs....

Well, parents a-nagging.

Adios and good luck to whoever! :D

+ Anita updated @ 7:24 pm
